Questions to Ask Your Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
More than 2.5 million people are injured in the workplace each year. Often these cases are not always cookie-cutter molds. Employees not only suffer the effects of the accident, but some have trouble getting workers’ compensation benefits timely which compounds the issues further.
When you need help with your workers’ compensation case, you want to know you can trust your attorney, and you want the best possible outcome. To ensure that your lawyer has the experience and expertise that you need, ask some questions like:
How Much Experience Do You Have Working on Workers’ Compensation Cases?
Be sure to ask detailed questions about how many cases your attorney has worked on and the results. Ask about their process and what will be required of you throughout the case.
Ensure that your lawyer has direct experience working on workers’ compensation cases. Each situation can be unique and complex, and it’s essential to know all the intricacies of how to deal with issues that come up along the way.
How Long Have You Been Practicing Law?
Another good indicator of whether your lawyer is right for you is how long they have been practicing. Because workers’ compensation cases tend to be tricky, working with a lawyer with extensive experience who knows the state laws well is essential.
Have You Worked on a Case Like Mine?
Although your injury may be unique, your attorney has probably worked on workers’ compensation cases similar to yours. If so, ask about the details of the cases and the outcomes of the issues raised.
Are you successful in getting benefits in cases like mine?
Find a workers’ compensation lawyer with a high success rate with cases like yours. It is more important to find an attorney who can be successful with your case as presented.
How Much Can I Expect to Get?
Before filing any claims against your employer or the insurance company, you may want to know whether it will be worth it. Talk to your lawyer about expectations and what you might receive in damages or benefits.
If I Was at Fault, Do I Still Get my Benefits?
Typically, it doesn’t matter who was at fault; your employer and the workers’ compensation provider should pay for your medical bills and lost work time. However, there are exceptions to this rule, and you should discuss them with your attorney.
Barry Stein Can Help
If you are having trouble with your employer or the insurance company after a workplace injury, Barry Stein can help. Contact our offices today for a free consultation where we can discuss your case and the specifics.